Preventive Medicine from SIP: For your Healthy Future at any Time of Life

Preventive Medicine from SIP: For your Healthy Future at any Time of Life

Growing older in the best possible health is not a question of happiness, but of conscious living and forward-looking medical care. SIP – Swiss Insurance Partners supports you and your family with its excellent network of specialists in preventive medicine.

You will be cared for by us in every phase of your life according to the latest research in preventive medicine. Our experts offer you a spectrum that is as tailor-made as it is comprehensive: from prevention and early detection to the analysis of your genetic disposition and advice on how to proactively manage your biological age through a healthier lifestyle.

Precise prevention through exclusive check-ups and individual risk profiles
Together with leading health experts, we have developed exclusive check-ups and holistic health management. In this way, many of the most serious diseases can be cured or even prevented if they are detected early enough and immediate and appropriate treatment can begin.

The analysis of biological and genetic predispositions allows for completely personalized examinations and treatments that are tailored to your individual risk profile, which can lead to early detection and thus to a significant reduction in diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, cancer and many other common but often preventable diseases.

30+: Stay fit for work and family
If between 30 and 40 the focus is on career and starting a family, time to take care of one’s own health becomes scarcer. However, it is now important for you to lay the foundation for a healthy aging process. At 30 years of age, the first age-related complaints and illnesses can occur.

The annual check-ups of our specialists for preventive medicine continuously monitor your general state of health. By evaluating your family’s medical history in combination with this, we draw up a detailed risk profile for you with regard to health factors and genetic predisposition. We will advise you on how you can take the initiative to minimise your risk of illness by adopting a conscious lifestyle.

Lifestyle and biological age are decisive
With the help of
new methods, your biological age can be assessed and compared with your actual age. A holistic review of your lifestyle will show you where the discrepancy comes from and what you can do to reduce your biological age.

The examination measures changes in the function of your genes caused, for example, by diet, physical activity, alcohol and tobacco consumption. Together with you, we will find the optimal approach for you to reduce the risks of developing health problems later on.

Basic or Premium Plan: SIP – Swiss Insurance Partners has the specialists for your health 30+
the Basic Plan you will receive a personal clinical evaluation by a senior physician based on a detailed medical history. Your blood sample is subjected to a basic biological preparation, which analyses and evaluates your blood cell and haemoglobin values. Your blood is tested for a possible lack of essential nutrients such as vitamin B 12 and tested for infections, tumor markers and other blood diseases. Urinalysis is used to check for kidney disease and urinary tract infections.

The examination of your general athletic health extends to your BMI, strength and mobility and the measurement of your body composition (muscles, fat, water) and more. A screening for heart disease checks your heart rhythm and blood flow as well as the possible existence of electrolyte disorders and the like.

Epigenetic profile shows biological age
your Premium Plan you also receive an evaluation of your personal and family risk profile and your genetic predispositions. An advanced blood test includes the analysis and evaluation of free fatty acids, advanced cardiovascular markers, antioxidants, sex-specific sexual hormones and your bone health.

A stress ECG includes an extended check for heart disease or abnormalities that can only be detected during exercise. A blood test also provides an epigenetic profile that determines the influence of your lifestyle on your biological age.

Future disease risks: Analysis of the cell aging process provides information
assessment of the cell aging process is based on an analysis for so-called Advanced Glycation Endproducts (AGEs). These risk molecules accelerate the aging process. AGEs are not only endogenous, i.e. formed in the body. They can also enter your organism through nutrition. Foods such as meat, sausage, ham and cheese contain many AGEs.

The type of food preparation is also relevant. Prolonged cooking as well as grilling, frying and deep-frying increase the AGE content in food. Foods with many saturated fatty acids are usually richer in AGEs. An increased AGE blood level is an indication of a risk for the development of various chronic inflammatory diseases. For example, AGEs influence the development of diabetes mellitus type II, vascular and cardiovascular diseases, osteoporosis and arthritis.

40+: Early detection is vital
After 40 the risk of health problems increases dramatically. These include the development of various types of cancer, type II diabetes, heart disease and the risk of suffering a stroke. This makes regular check-ups and examinations all the more important. Because these potentially life-threatening diseases can be detected early and treated relatively easily today. Our specialists in preventive medicine are available to provide you with advice and support to help you sharpen your awareness of influencing factors and exposure to genetic risks. They support you in finding your personal, healthy lifestyle and in taking preventive measures.

Strokes can be prevented by preventive medicine
The risk of suffering a stroke doubles approximately every decade after the age of 45. It is therefore important to know which factors favour a stroke. Our preventive medicine specialists therefore rely on a combination of cardiological examinations and tests with information on preventing a stroke. Experience shows that about 80% of all strokes can be avoided at an early stage through preventive measures and tests.

Determining and controlling the risk of type 2 diabetes
Type 2 diabetes
occurs when the body is no longer able to use the insulin produced in the pancreas effectively. Although being over 45 years of age increases the natural risk of developing type 2 diabetes, it is not always possible to control it. However, there are risk factors that you can influence yourself, such as controlling body weight and cholesterol levels. Using the latest medical technology, it is even possible to assess the genetic risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Detecting breast cancer and prostate cancer early
over 40 have statistically the highest risk of developing breast cancer. Early detection offers chances of a gentle, less traumatic treatment. The same is true for prostate cancer in men, where statistically one in nine men develops the cancer once in a lifetime.

Basic or Premium Plan: SIP – Swiss Insurance Partners has the specialists for your health at 40+
a carotid ultrasound, a screening is carried out to detect the first warning signs of stroke. This involves measuring how much plaque filled with cholesterol has built up in the carotid artery. A Doppler measurement of the carotid is used to measure the thickness of the arterial wall in order to detect the development of atherosclerosis in time.

A blood test will determine your risk of developing type 2 diabetes and also cardiovascular disease. Your polygenic risk score (PRS) is calculated for this purpose. This procedure is a recognized and valid method.

Preventive medicine focuses on women’s health
Women over 40 receive the following three gynaecological check-ups through consultation with senior physicians Mammography or elastography is used for the early detection of breast cancer. The latter is a newer imaging technique for detecting tumours, which can distinguish between benign and malignant tissue changes.

A PAP smear provides information about cancer of the cervix. Bone density is measured with a DEXA scan, an X-ray or a CT scan in order to be able to detect the risk of osteoporosis preventively.

Men’s health: comprehensive check-ups by the senior physician
preventive medicine of SIP – Swiss Insurance Partners also provides three check-ups for men over 40 as part of a urological check-up. For the early detection of prostate cancer and tumours, a PSA blood test, an examination of the rectum and an ultrasound are performed. Any abnormalities in the urinary tract are detected by means of a urine stream measurement and a urine sample. The men’s health check-up is supplemented by laboratory analyses and ultrasound.

The skin now shows the biological age
so-called Advanced Glycation Endproducts (AGEs) play a not insignificant role in the cell aging process and are therefore indicators of the biological age of a person. In order to determine this, preventive medicine uses skin analysis to determine the AGE level in people over 40 years of age. This is because AGEs are not deposited in the blood in the long term, but in the long-lived tissue. The method is therefore a valid marker for the biological age at this stage of life.

High AGEs-values are clearly risk factors. They favour the development of age-related diseases such as diabetes mellitus type II, kidney failure, vascular and cardiovascular diseases, osteoporosis and arthritis. Non-own, i.e. external AGEs are mainly formed by heating food and are absorbed through the diet. Foods rich in saturated fatty acids are generally richer in AGEs.

Risk analysis through epigenetic profile
Using blood tests, SIP’s prevention physicians evaluate the effect of your personal lifestyle on your biological age. By using a variety of different biomarkers, we create your personal metabolic and hormonal profile, which also gives you information about your diet and any inflammatory processes that may be present.

60+: Enjoying old age as healthily as possible
From the age of 60 onwards, it is important to combine getting older with maintaining maximum quality of life. Good vision and hearing now come to the fore in preventive medicine to prevent withdrawal or self-isolation. The risk of serious cardiovascular disease, kidney disease or certain types of cancer can be minimized by close screening and early treatment. Here, our preventive medicine in care and advice aims to provide comprehensive, age-appropriate prevention through early detection and lifestyle changes that are as simple as possible.

Treating cardiovascular diseases in time
About 70 percent of people between the ages of 60 and 80 have some form of cardiovascular disease that affects either the heart itself or the blood vessels. In the over-80s, around 85 percent are affected. Cardiovascular diseases are therefore among the main causes of death in old age. However, the severity of the disease can also be moderated by early detection and timely treatment with drugs and surgery.

Screening is used to detect malicious kidney diseases
risk of kidney disease increases with age. The tricky thing here is that kidney diseases often show no symptoms until the organ has lost most of its function. For people with other risk factors such as diabetes, high blood pressure or heart disease, it is therefore particularly important to consult a doctor for regular screening.

Even in old age, cancer check-ups remain crucial
Cancers occur more frequently in old age. It is therefore all the more important that you do not shy away from our early detection examinations during these years of life. Screening examinations and immediate treatment by our specialists are the key to maintaining a high quality of life. In order to counteract the development of pancreatic cancer, we recommend endoscopic ultrasound and MRI/CT imaging for people who are at high risk due to their family medical history.

Family risks are taken into account
Regular skin cancer screenings become particularly important for fair-skinned people, as the skin unfortunately does not forget sunburn. About one in 20 people develops colorectal cancer, which is easily detected at an early stage and still relatively easy to treat. Even women over 60 should still have
regular gynaecological examinations such as Pap smears or human papilloma virus (HPV) tests. Despite their age, older women still have a risk of cervical or vaginal cancer. Pap smears are recommended for women every three years, and HPV testing every five years until the age of 70. Pelvic exams are also important to ensure incontinence does not affect quality of life.

Basic or Premium Plan: SIP – Swiss Insurance Partners has the specialists for your health 60+
In addition to
comprehensive check-ups on your sight and hearing, we place particular emphasis on cardiovascular examinations. These include resting ECGs, pulmonary function tests, spiroergometric examinations under physical stress as well as blood and blood pressure checks. They are used to detect abnormalities in the heart or arteries and indicators that represent risk factors for heart disease, heart attack or stroke.

Gynaecological check-ups: Also important beyond the menopause
the risk of osteoporosis increases with age after the menopause, bone density measurement for women over 60 is a must for preventive medicine at SIP. This is done with a DEXA scan, by X-ray or with a CT. In order to detect breast cancer as early as possible, we offer you the examination methods mammography or elastography.

Elastography is a young, imaging diagnostic procedure that focuses on the differentiation of benign and malignant tumors. The examination of the cervix for cancer is done by a PAP smear. At all gynaecological check-ups you will be examined and advised by senior physicians.

State-of-the-art diagnostics for men’s health in old age
PSA blood test, ultrasound and a rectal examination form the three examinations for the early detection of prostate cancer. Whether there are any abnormalities in the urinary tract is examined by the preventive physicians of SIP – Swiss Insurance Partners using a urine ray measurement and a urine sample. This has been established. Laboratory analyses and ultrasound round off the men’s health check-up. In each case and for all procedures, you will be examined and advised by a senior physician.

Cancer screening from head to toe
medicine offers you a wide range of different early detection methods. This begins with a visual skin screening to detect any abnormalities. The skin cancer screening is supplemented by a PAP smear. For colon cancer screening, we offer test kits for home use as well as colonoscopies. For the early detection of cervical, vaginal or prostate cancer, our spectrum of services for you ranges from PSA blood tests and endoscopic ultrasound examinations to CT and MRI.

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