Medical Emergency Card

The lack of information about a patient’s medical history and conditions is one of the main reasons for delays, malpractice, and unfavorable outcomes in emergency situations. With the SIP Medical Emergency Card, you can be sure that life-saving information can be accessed in the shortest time possible – anytime and anywhere.
Independent of your age, making emergency information accessible to first responders is key to receiving the best care in the fastest possible manner.
- Adults: No matter if because of an accident, an emergency medical condition, or in an acute situation. Having access to your medical information can decide between life and death in a critical situation.
- Children: If your child is missing or experiences an accident, the SIP Medical Emergency Card carries the details of the ones to contact when assistance is needed.
- Senior Citizens: Ensure your most important medical information is centralized and accessible to emergency support and medical practitioners at any time. Avoid forgetting or missing to share crucial information when seeing a doctor.

Medical Emergency Card
Store all essential medical emergency information
Register your emergency contacts
International suitability
Full privacy and tranparency
Woldwide local emergency numbers
Most comprehensive and effective solution available

Complete Emergency Profile
A personalized profile allows the registration of medical conditions, required medication, blood type, allergies, drug incompatibility, and many more health-related essential key emergency information that can make the difference between life and death in a critical situation. Your SIP Medical Emergency card also allows the registration of private, medical, and insurance contacts as well as your insurance number and cover. Further to that, it shows you the local emergency numbers in every country around the world.
Full Transparency and Privacy
Accessing your emergency information is only possible for first responders with your card at hand, allowing them to scan the QR code and enter the corresponding two-factor authentication CVC code on your card. Every access to your emergency profile is logged and triggers a notification to you. To avoid unauthorized access also when losing the card, we can block your profile immediately at any time.

International World Class Solution
The SIP Medical Emergency Card is more comprehensive and effective than any other emergency profile solution, such as with Apple or Android. Accessing your potentially life-saving emergency profile does not depend on your own device only, functionality or battery of your phone. It can be accessed fast and globally by professional or civil first responders anytime if there is internet connection, automatically suggesting the local emergency numbers.
Contact Us
Our health management and medical concierge services are only available as a membership following a formal application and personal interview, allowing us to understand your situation and expectations. Get in touch now and speak to one of our Health Advocates to learn about our memberships.

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