Preventive Medicine

Many of even the most serious illnesses can be cured or even prevented when detected early enough to start immediate and appropriate treatment.
Our exclusive check-ups offer a new and better way to manage your health. Based on latest scientific research, we developed an innovative approach together with leading health professionals to create a proactive health management system.
Insights on biological and genetic conditions allow for fully personalized consultations according to your individual risk profile.This may lead to a significant reduction and early-stage detection of conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, cancer and many other common but often preventable diseases.

Age under 40
So far you have not yet experienced too many health problems. When reaching 30, first age-related conditions should be monitored. It becomes important to plan for a healthy future.
In their 30s, people are busy developing their career or starting a family and often do not have the time to take care of their health as they did in their 20s. Additionally, in their 20s, most people also won’t experience many health problems and doctor visits. When reaching 30, this can change, and first age-related conditions appear. It is the time when it becomes important to ensure maintaining and possibly improving your wellbeing for a healthy future. Yearly health screenings and check-ups are recommended to monitor your health continuously.
A review of your general state of health by a senior physician, also called anamnesis, combined with an evaluation of the medical history of your family, allows you for a comprehensive overview of your health risk profile. When knowing about high-risk health factors and genetic predisposition, together with medical advice, you can adjust respectively to prevent these conditions from developing at all, or to keep them proactively under control.
With the help of new methods, your biological age can be assessed and compared to the actual age. A holistic review of your lifestyle will show you where the discrepancy is coming from and what you can do to reduce your biological age. The check-up measures modifications in the functioning of your genes induced by for example nutrition, physical activity, alcohol consumption, and tobacco consumption.
Growing older healthy is not a matter of luck but come from early on conscious living. Advice and guidance from specialists to you as a unique individual will help to find the most convenient approach to do so, eventually leading to a strongly reduced risk for developing health problems later in life.
Age 40 - 60
Statistics show that in the 40s, the risk for many illnesses dramatically increases. Amongst others, this includes various types of cancer, type II diabetes and heart related conditions.
Statistics show that in the 40s, the risk for a wide range of health problems increases dramatically. Among others, this includes the risk for developing various types of cancer (melanoma skin, testis, lung or prostate or breast cancer), type II diabetes, and heart related conditions. Knowing that, it is wise to start regularly evaluating your health to detect potentially life-threatening conditions while they still can be treated relatively easily. By staying informed about the development of your health state and what conditions to monitor, you take an important step in proactively managing your well-being for the future.
The risk of suffering a stroke roughly doubles each decade after the age of 45. We therefore advise to get informed about the condition and factors that can reduce that risk for you. In combination with cardiologic check-ups and tests it can be even further reduced, allowing for optimal awareness and prevention of suffering a stroke. Experience shows that roughly 80% of strokes can be avoided by taking preventive measures and tests early on.
Type 2 diabetes is the result of your body producing insulin, the pancreatic hormone, but not utilizing it effectively. Being over 45 of age naturally increases the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. However, apart from your age, many other influencing factors are within your own control, can be monitored and managed to reduce the chance of developing the condition. These can already be straightforward measures such as keeping your weight and cholesterol level under control. Newest medical technology even allows evaluating your genetic risk for developing type 2 diabetes. It will enable you to know already early on how much of a threat this condition might be for you.
After the age of 45, especially for women, the risk of osteoporosis, a disease that weakens the bones, exponentially increases the likelihood of major fractures. One in two women and one in four men over 50 years of age will break a bone as a result of the condition.
People of all ages, ethnicities, and also genders are prone to developing breast cancer. However, this concern is especially pressing for women over 40. One in eight women will develop breast cancer in her lifetime. Early-stage detection allows for early treatment, avoiding larger scale and more traumatizing cancer treatments. The same applies to prostate cancer for men, where statistically one in nine develops the cancer once in their lifetime.
“Age is just a number” is a saying used to express that growing older does not necessarily mean that your well-being automatically reduces as well. With the newest health technology can now evaluate your biological age, showing how old you are not by the calendar but based on your overall condition. By fully taking into account your lifestyle, you can take preventive measures to rejuvenate your biological age, and thus your well-being.

Age over 60
After 60, regular medical check-ups are important to monitor the development of your state of health and to allow growing older with the maximum quality of life.
When reaching the age of 60, different health conditions start to become more prominent. Conditions might include loss of vision, loss of hearing, severe cardiovascular diseases, or certain types of cancer. Often in combination with already existing conditions. Especially because of that, we advise undergoing regular medical check-ups to monitor your state of health and to allow growing older with the maximum quality of life. React to developing illnesses early on will avoid major treatments and long recovery periods that will put yourself, your family and surrounding at stress.
Roughly 70 percent of people between the age of 60 and 80 have some form of cardiovascular disease, which can be any condition affecting the heart or the blood vessels. After 80, it is approximately 85 percent. Cardiovascular impairments can put seriously damage your overall well-being. And additionally, it is one of the major causes of death overall. The good news is that with early detection and treatment, the condition can be moderated. Treatment might include medication or surgery as a last resort, but in the early stages can also be a simple change of lifestyle.
Like many other health conditions, the likeliness for kidney disease increases with age, especially after 60. Experience shows that up to one in three individuals is at risk. It is very unfavorable that kidney disease can fail to show any symptoms until the organ has lost most of its function. For people with other risk factors such as diabetes, high blood pressure, or heart disease, it is therefore especially important to visit the doctor for regular screening.
When reaching 60, several cancer types become more prominent. Early detection and treatment are key to preserve a high quality of life. To counteract the development of pancreatic cancer, we recommend having an endoscopic ultrasound and MRI/CT imaging for those at high risk due to their family medical history. Especially elderly Caucasian people have a high risk of developing skin cancer. For example Malignant skin, which is caused by an excessive accumulation of sunburns and exposure to UV rays. Roughly one in 20 males and females develop bowel cancer in their lifetime. Screening can help detect bowel cancer at an early stage while it is still relatively easy to treat. This can be examined by an expert through a bowel scope screening, or initially with a home testing kit.
Approximately one-third of all individuals between the ages of 65 and 75 suffer from hearing loss or reduced eyesight. Many do not even recognize it in the early stages or want to deny it. Others will try to suffer through their loss of hearing or vision. However, this is not necessary as modern technology offers a wide range of solutions to mitigate these impairments. When left untreated, these conditions can even lead to withdrawal or self-isolation.
For women in the 60s, we recommend to undergo still regular gynecological exams including pelvic exams, pap smears, or human papillomavirus (HPV) tests. Despite their age, older women are still at risk of developing cervical cancer or vaginal cancer. Important to know that a pelvic exam may even detect several other conditions that can affect your quality of life, for example related to incontinence. Pap smears are recommended for women every three years, an HPV test every five years up to age 70.
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