The Success Story of SIP Medical Family Office – Protecting the Health of Individual around the World and Advocating Patient’s Interests

The Success Story of SIP Medical Family Office – Protecting the Health of Individual around the World and Advocating Patient’s Interests

During a business trip in Dubai, George slipped and fell down the stairs. A few hours later in the emergency room of the nearest hospital, he was diagnosed with a disrupted Achilles tendon. Because the competent doctor for the surgery was not available on that day, he was told to come back the day after to operate the injury. With incredible pain and barely able to walk, George felt very uncomfortable to wait another day for the required treatment. Thus, he called SIP Medical Family Office for advice. What George did not know, is that following a disruption of the Achilles tendon, within hours both ends of the tenet pull back and reduce. Immediate treatment is required to stick the two lose ends together, otherwise one is at risk not being able to walk properly anymore for a lifetime.

After a quick consultation with one of the panel doctors of the Medical Advisory Board of SIP it was clear, that immediate action was required: A competent specialist was organized to examine and operate George still on the same day. Thanks to the quick reaction, the specialists were able to fix George’s Achilles tendon a few hours later. And after only a few days of recovery and thanks to medical travel assistance, he was able to take his flight back home to fully recover, having his family close by.

During the following weeks and with the help of video conferences with the treating doctor, George was still under observation and therapy to strengthen and equally stretch the Achilles tendon with a set of exercises to ensure seamless healing and to prevent the tendon from tearing again in the future.

Nancy was in her 70ties and had been suffering from knee pain due to arthrosis for more than ten years. She now had decided that she wants to perform a surgery and receive an artificial knee joint, hoping to reduce the pain with which she had to live with every day. After several examinations, the doctor informed Nancy that he was not sure if she would be fit for an operation. He would rather advise against a surgery because of Nancy’s heart deficiency and onset of Parkinson. With these conditions anaesthesia might have severe consequences in the aftermath. This was a major setback for Nancy and thus, she decided to consult another doctor for a second opinion. The second consultation did not help: The advice from the first doctor was disconfirmed. The second doctor sees no complication and would like to perform the knee joint replacement. A third doctor was consulted who suggested the same but who did not leave a good impression on Nancy.

After more than a year of investigation, Nancy still didn’t know whether she should go for a surgery or not. What next? Nancy heard that SIP has a network of leading specialists in each medical field, including for knee surgeries. Following a review of the existing reports from the consultations done so far, SIP had identified a worldwide leading specialist to examine her case. For this, Nancy travelled to Austria where an appointment with the proposed doctor had been facilitated. Now having been advised and consulted about the risks and potential consequences by a leading and most competent specialist, Nancy felt comfortable to decide on receiving the artificial knee joint.

Two days later, the surgery was successfully completed and Nancy started the rehabilitation treatment. She had decided to undergo quarterly check-ups at the multidisciplinary clinic of the treating knee specialist to proactively monitor not only her artificial knee joint, but her complete state of health including the heart deficiency and Parkinson.

After his annual check-up, James learned that his coronary arteries have a 70% obstruction. With increasing age and depending on lifestyle habits such as smoking, diet or being overweight, fatty deposits narrow the arteries and hinder the blood flow to the heart. Over time, coronary heart disease can develop serious conditions and also increases the risk of a heart attack. To restore a normal blood flow and sufficient oxygen supply of the heart, his doctor advised him to undergo a surgery for a double artery by-pass. During such a surgery a blood vessel is attached above and below the narrowed part of the artery to allow a better blood flow. The surgery takes approximately 5 hours, 7 days of recovery in the hospital under observation and further 6-12 weeks of rest at home until full recovery and return to normal life.

James was very hesitant to agree to the surgery, generally being a person who tries to avoid hospitals and any medical treatments. On top of that, he also knew that he will not be able to go back to his job, play with his kids or perform any kind of sports 2-3 months after receiving the double artery bypass. Nevertheless, his cardiologist urged him to have the surgery soon.

When James called SIP Medical Family Office to orchestrate the required process with his health insurance company, he learned about the option of having an independent medical specialist to accompany and protect his interests before, during and after the procedure. This specialist is independent as he does not have any benefit or incentive from the surgery being performed. Also he is known to SIP for clearly distinguishing necessary surgeries from the ones which are not. According to him, a surgery should always be the last option of treatment. After a review of the medical reports, he informed James that his coronary heart disease could also be treated with a combination of healthier lifestyle and medication, but without a surgery. James was really happy to hear that this time he would be able to get away without a surgery, reduced smoking and later even stopped, changed his nutrition habits, started to regularly exercise and took the prescribed minimal dose of medicine in a very disciplined fashion. Since then, James’ coronary heart disease has stabilized and is continuously improving.

Since more than 20 years, the SIP Medical Family Office is protecting the health of individuals and families around the world. As an advocate of health, they have developed a unique approach for long-term and sustainable health management as these examples show.

The healthcare system even in the most developed countries is far from flawless. There is a lack of responsible and knowledgeable specialists, wrong incentives and an extreme information asymmetry. Often the patient’s well-being, and sometimes even the patient’s life, completely lays in the hands of one doctor. Many of them are also being driven by financial interests. It is proven that ever year, millions of surgeries are performed, medication is prescribed, and an artificial recurrence of doctor visits are encouraged, which would in fact not be necessary. Because every treatment is an intrusion into the human system, unnecessary medical action in the end creates even more harm instead of healing. With the help of carefully selected independent specialists in every medical field and around the world, SIP aims to re-balance the information asymmetry and to truly act in the interest of the patient.

Today’s globalized world brings many risks as well as opportunities for effective health management. Health insurance is not anymore required locally but should be adapted to the international lifestyle. High quality services must be available 24/7 and around the world. On a business trip, on vacation or after a relocation, having sufficient health protection can be tricky because of the insurance complexity. Additionally, when being abroad it is difficult to find the right specialist for treatment of a health condition. To have peace of mind, one must know about the expertise and experience of a doctor and develop trust. Based on more than 20 years of track record, SIP has a global network of trusted and reliable doctors and helps to make the right choice.

Recognizing that many of today’s most prominent diseases can be avoided or stopped early, SIP actively engages its clients in health prevention. State-of-the-art medical check-ups allow for in depth individualized care and health management. This helps to prevent the development of life-threatening health conditions and creating an early warning system. They have found that the early investment into health prevention not just pays off financially in the long term, but also strongly increases quality of life. Not just for every individual, but also the health quality and financial burden for the whole society, leading to a more sustainable healthcare system and better outcomes for individual patients.

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